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Us, and how we got stuck on dogs!

Our Family, that´s my husband Danny and me- Jennifer, our son Robin and of course our Labrador Retriever bitches  "Lani" and "Ida" , who are loved and fully integrated family members.

We live in the heart of Saxony-Anhalt, in the beautiful smalltown of Bernburg by the river Saale.

Dannys passion is photographing and the art of  digital image processing. This hobby can be acted out with our gorgeous pets.

How we got our first dog...

There had always been dogs in my life as long as far as I can remember. At first there was "Jonas". He was a Newfoundlanddog mix: Black, fuzzy coat  with a little white spot on his chest. Jonas was a very healthy dog, guarded our house and his family. Jonas had always been a real buddy for us kids. Of course he was trained by my parents.

When he died at the age of 13, he left a blank.

After 4 years of a dogless life we as a family made the decision, that a dog is missing. We didn´t search for a special breed and we didn´t want a pup at this time. So we looked up the newspapers for adverts and this way we found our "Mücke" (what means "Mosquito"). Mücke was a yellow Labrador retriever- Hovawart mix.

In January 2001 Mücke was 18 month old and lived in the Harz, together with an older Husky. We took her home at first sight.

Despite her charm, Mücke was not easy to deal with. She would use her teeth on other dogs, and she didn´t like smaller children. We always had an eye on her. Her behaviour taught me the precious lesson, how important it is to us having a dog, on whose good nature one can rely on in every situation.  After moving out in another town for university, we missed having a dog, so we decided to have a dog on our own.

When we did our research on which breed would fit for us, a Labrador Retriever was our first choice. Not only because of its good looks ;-)

Lesha- 6 Wochen altLesha- 6 Wochen alt

We browsed a lot of websites to find the perfect breeder for us. We learned that breeding is not just producing puppys. And that there is a huge spectrum in the quality of dogs and breeders. We concsiously made the decision to buy a puppy out of a controlled kennel (VDH).

We finally found the flying-flap-ears-kennel by Jana Hildebrandt who was planning her very first litter at this time. In december 2004 we visited Nell and the kennel in Biesenthal (close to Berlin).

There was nothing to complain about.. In fact we were just thrilled of Nell an the little show of her working with dummys. By that time we only knew agility as a dog sport.

We looked forward to our puppy out of the beautiful and smart bitch and i can honestly say, that this was one of the best decisions we ever made.

With our Lesha we went to puppy school with puppys of different breeds and at the age of 9 months we started on her specific education at the regional group of the German Retriever Club (DRC BZG Leipzig und Umgebung). We joined the "youngster group" and the "Accompany group" and also completed a number of tests succesfully with our girl.

Since Lesha represented everything we hoped for and loved in Labrador Retrievers, we decided to breed her.

And so she became the foundation of our own Labrador Retriever Kennel.


As time goes by way too fast, our girl is waiting for us on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Leaving us behind with her daughter Lani (Icamani Amitola Kahlan) and her granddaughter Ida (Icamani Cikala Merida). 


We feel joy being in contact with most of our puppys and love to hear, read and see them every once in a while.



To be continued.

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